Sunday, 21 August 2011

What problems are addressed in my MSc project?

(Published in 2011)

The data collected from patients, although classified as genealogical, demographic, phenotypic or sequential, are actually components of what we can extract from the same living being. (9) The necessity to have them all in a single platform is still to be addressed. (10) There is a huge list of genealogical websites that collect and display the family history details, but almost all lack the ability to add clinical or laboratory details. There are some good web services, mainly EHR systems and LIS, which handles clinical and laboratory details, but hard to find one that incorporates genealogical details and sequential data. (11)

The sites that cater to the general public, mainly genealogical sites, usually do not facilitate clinicians or scientists to add details. (12)The sites, those can be categorized as EHR and LIS, do not allow the participation of the patients as users. (13) (14) The sites that maintain clinical databases may not always provide highly useful data for researches due to confidentiality issues. A significant proportion of the general public may be willing to reveal their data anonymously to researchers, but they don’t get a chance to take control of the destiny of data originated from them.

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